Welcome to Colorado's full service resource for all of your real estate needs.
While you're here, be sure to take advantage of all of the great information and tools on this site. Register to use our customized (free) search tool for the most up to date information on homes and land in Douglas County; research property values, calculate mortgage payments on your next home; access the latest buying and selling tips; research community and school information and more.
At any time, be
certain to contact Bob Hier, Jr., a sixth generation native of Douglas County. You can be confident that he knows Colorado and would be happy to assist you with any of your real estate needs. Thank you for visiting!
My Featured Listings
You'll find that we have some of the greatest shopping in the state;Park Meadows Shopping Mall; the Outlets at Castle Rock; and downtown Castle Rock's new chic shopping destination, Just to name a few!
Americans share new positive attitude on housing
Interesting new article from RIS covering a variety of topics ranging from; consumer confidence, mortgage rates, purchasing vs. renting, and more. Lots of great new stuff - definitely worth perusing!
Search Colorado
Free, personalized, search tool for properties in Colorado. Updated every fifteen minutes, allows for customized searches.
Douglas County Community
Visit links to valuable community information and demographics in Highlands Ranch, Castle Rock, Sedalia, & more.
Douglas County Schools
Link directly to schools in Douglas County.